Hi, I’m Kate and I am a mindfulness teacher, coach, and Learning specialist with over 25 years of experience facilitating individual and group learning in a variety of sectors and cultural environments. I was born and grew up in Yorkshire, and also lived and worked in London for 12 years before I relocated with my family to Luxembourg in 2013. I currently run my own business offering mindfulness and wellbeing coaching, often online, and Equine Facilitated Learning alongside a small herd of therapy horses. A mindful and compassionate approach threads through all my work and I am motivated by a desire to sow seeds enabling the growth of ease and kindness as we navigate this complex business of being human. I am a BAMBA registered teacher and offer Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living group courses and bespoke one-to-one sessions. I am also currently completing a Masters degree in Mindfulness-Based Approaches at Bangor University. My personal journey to mindfulness practice began after a period of intense personal transition in 2013. My own lived experience of how mindfulness has transformed my relationship with my depression and supported me to ride the ups and downs of life with more equanimity motivated me to begin training to teach and share mindfulness with others. Introducing mindful self-compassion to my practice has been like finding the missing piece of a jigsaw and this kind and encouraging approach infuses my way of being and teaching style. As a mindfulness teacher based in Luxembourg, the Mindfulness Network Community Friends and EAMBA, the European Association of Mindfulness-Based Approaches, have both been instrumental in creating a sense of community and a way to connect and practice with others. For me, volunteering is a way of being involved and contributing to this community.
For more information: https://www.realisemindfulness.com/