I am a senior cognitive behavioural psychologist with over 20 years ’experience, working with different populations, especially clients with anxiety and mood disorders. I am a member of the Bangor University Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (CMRP) core training team since 2018
I have been teaching MBCT since 2010, both in clinical settings and for the general public, pioneering this program in Spain.
Since 2015 I’ve been leading and developing the CMRP teacher training pathway in Spain and Spanish-speaking countries, first through AEMind (Asociación Española de Mindfulness) and then through MBCT’Spain, an organization which I founded. I have since then been involved in the training and supervision of mindfulness teachers.
I’m a lecturer in several universities and mindfulness in Spain and I collaborate as an MBCT-L trainer with the Oxford Mindfulness Foundation.
I have extensive experience bringing mindfulness to business settings (business schools, workplaces, leadership programs) developing and delivering customized programs. I regularly train healthcare professionals within the public health system in Spain (Sistema Nacional de Salud – SNS).
I co-founded the Red Española de Programas basados en Mindfulness (Spanish network of Mindfulness-based Programs).
Previously, I worked in corporations for more than 15 years.