The Mindfulness Network first began as a Community Interest Company in 2012, formed by Alison Evans and Willem Kuyken, who were both at Exeter University. They were joined later by Rebecca Crane, Cindy Cooper and Sharon Hadley from Bangor University. Alison and Rebecca continued with the evolution of the organisation which was re-formed as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation in April 2018. Registered Number: 1177800.
We offer a network of services that are supportive to the visions of the UK university centres, but which sit more easily in a not-for-profit company. We aim to bring together highly-trained mindfulness-based supervisors, retreat leaders and teacher trainers who all work within Good Practice Standards set out by the British Association of Mindfulness-Based Approaches (BAMBA).
Mindfulness-based supervision has always been a core strand of our work and we recruit supervisors who meet stringent guidelines and have completed specific supervision training with us. We have strong partnerships with Bangor University’s Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (CMRP) and the Oxford Mindfulness Centre (OMC) to provide supervisors for trainees undertaking mindfulness teacher training. Our programme of retreats continues to grow and offer a variety of secular themes from self-compassion to tackling the climate crisis, led by highly experienced mindfulness teachers and with a commitment to being accessible to all. Since 2018 we have collaborated with the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (CMRP) to deliver their internationally renowned, flagship Teacher Training Pathway (TTP) through a skilled team of senior mindfulness trainers.
Our dedicated team of part-time staff work from home to keep the charity running effectively, safely and transparently. The Mindfulness Network also relies on a huge amount of goodwill and generosity from our trustees and associates. We are proud to be part of a mindfulness community that gives back and our aim is to add value through our event attendees, trainees and supervisees, who go on to spread high quality mindfulness and compassion learning to the wider population.