Tag: 2020

~ Written by Ken Lunn, Chair of Trustees for the Mindfulness Network ~ This blog post is part of a series called ‘Mindfulness Online’ to help give you some insight into an online event with the Mindfulness Network. “Had I Read more…

~ Written by Bridgette O’Neill, Retreat Lead for the Mindfulness Network ~ This blog post is part of a series called ‘Mindfulness Online’ to help give you some insight into an online event with the Mindfulness Network.   Since last Read more…

~ written by Philip Anderson ~ Philip is a Trainee on our Teacher Training Pathway (TTP) and recently attended our online Groupwork Workshop in October 2020. This blog post is part of a series called ‘Mindfulness Online’ to help give Read more…

~ written by Alison Evans, Executive Director ~ This blog post is the first in a series called ‘Mindfulness Online’ to help give you some insight into an online event with the Mindfulness Network. But don’t just take our word Read more…

~ Written by Peter Morgan ~ Peter is one of our Mindfulness Network supervisors and works as Clinical Psychologist and Mindfulness Teacher in the NHS. Peter also runs The Free Mindfulness Project, where this blog was originally posted.  As communities Read more…

~Written by Colette Power~ Supervisor and Retreat Leader for The Mindfulness Network This blog post is part of a series exploring the relationship between practice and action in the face of climate change; how can these work together to guide, Read more…

~Written by Julia Wallond ~ Supervisor and Retreat Leader for The Mindfulness Network This blog post is part of a series exploring the relationship between practice and action in the face of climate change; how can these work together to Read more…

Written by Cathy-Mae Karelse and Jo Gillibrand This is a guest blog from Cathy, one of our Mindfulness Network Supervisors and Jo, who is a trained mindfulness teacher and coach from Clear Mind International. We currently find ourselves immersed in Read more…

~ written by Trish Bartley ~  It was a great thrill for us to offer this training in the Far East. We had recently established our company called Mayfly (www.mayfly.org.uk) and this was our first engagement. Luck and coincidence got Read more…

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Please note… blog posts written before September 2020 may contain links which no longer work, as they refer back to our old website address. You can still use the search or tagging function to read through previous posts at your leisure. Enjoy!