Tag: about us

Three years ago, when Alison Evans decided to step back from the Executive Director Role at the Mindfulness Network to focus on leading our Supervision workstream, we were still a relatively new charity finding our feet. Not to mention the Read more…

~ By Hycinth Taylor and Uz Afzal, introduction by Alison Evans ~   As supervision lead within the Mindfulness Network (MN), I am committed to increasing equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) within all aspects of teaching mindfulness and supervision. In Read more…

I joined the Mindfulness Network (MN) in 2016 as volunteer business manager after completing my Masters in Mindfulness Based Approaches at Bangor University, and subsequently, when we re-formed as a charity, as chair of the board of trustees. It has Read more…

Our Business Manager, Ken Lunn, reflects back on 2019 and his time at The Mindfulness Network:   The seeds sown in the last year lie dormant in the ground, and we wait for the earth to warm. It is a natural time for reflection Read more…

Celebrating the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice’s (CMRP) new structure  – written by Alison and Becca, Sophie and Gemma  It has been a full year now since we formalised our collaboration between Bangor University’s Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (CMRP) and The Mindfulness Network Read more…

– written by Estrella Fernandez in Spanish and English. Please scroll down to read the English translation. ESPAÑOL “Comparte una breve historia sobre algún momento de tu vida en que te hayas sentido excluido o tratado de forma diferente a Read more…

– written by Rebecca Crane and Alison Evans The Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (CMRP) is moving into a new phase! The centre’s activities now take place through Bangor University and through The Mindfulness Network charity. The Master’s programme, Read more…

Late 2016 I was asked if I would consider helping The Mindfulness Network with its operations and IT, and so began an adventure. In January 2017 I took over the reins from Sharon Hadley who had decided to move on Read more…

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