Category: Guest

~ This post was originally published on RUN:ZEN and an excerpt is shared here with permission. RUN:ZEN’s founder, Stuart McLeod has represented Great Britain at International triathlon and duathlon Championships and is a ‘Trained Teacher with a specialism in MBSR’ Read more…

~ written by Fiona McKechnie who completed mindfulness training with Bangor University in 2016 and has recently published a new book Mindfulness-Based Therapy for Managing Fatigue ~   Mindfulness for fatigue – an adapted MBCT programme for people with ME/CFS, fibromyalgia Read more…

~ written by Zoe Shobbrook-Fisher, Supervisor and Compassion Trainer at the Mindfulness Network ~ This blog post was originally shared on and kindly republished here with Zoe’s permission and additional images.   “MEDITATION IS NOT EVASION. IT IS A SERENE Read more…

~ Written by Nick Hammond, Deputy Chair of Trustees at the Mindfulness Network. This piece was originally posted on The Compassionate Friends Blog – a charitable organisation supporting bereaved parents and their families – and has been republished here with Read more…

~ Written by Elizabeth English ~ Elizabeth was an early participant on the Teacher Training Pathway (TTP), starting 2014, mentored by Eluned Gold and supervised by Pam Erdmann, certified in 2019. During her TTP journey, Elizabeth delivered over 50 eight-week Read more…

~ Written by Rebecca Crane PhD, Director of the Mindfulness Centre at Bangor University and Trustee for the Mindfulness Network ~ New Year is often a time to look forward and refresh intentions. I am also enjoying reflecting back on 2021 and Read more…

~ Written by Jiva Masheder who is one of our registered Mindfulness Network Supervisors and also offers Personal Practice Mentoring. In this blog post, Jiva reflects on her latest research paper about supporting participants’ home practice ~ ‘I don’t have Read more…

~ Written by Peter Morgan ~ Peter is one of our Mindfulness Network supervisors and works as Clinical Psychologist and Mindfulness Teacher in the NHS. Peter also runs The Free Mindfulness Project, where this blog was originally posted.  As communities Read more…

Written by Cathy-Mae Karelse and Jo Gillibrand This is a guest blog from Cathy, one of our Mindfulness Network Supervisors and Jo, who is a trained mindfulness teacher and coach from Clear Mind International. We currently find ourselves immersed in Read more…

~ Written by River Wolton ~ ‘Freedom is not just about transcending identity but embracing it until what is beyond the experience of identity reveals itself.’ Larry Yang    On 16th November 2019, I will co-lead, alongside my colleague Bernat Font, a one day retreat for all Read more…

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