Mindfulness Mentoring

Mindfulness Mentoring: One to one support for your personal practice

The intention of mindfulness mentoring is to support ongoing personal mindfulness practice through one-to-one sessions, with an experienced mindfulness-based teacher.

It provides a dedicated space for exploring and developing practice according to your individual needs. This could offer a range of opportunities. For example, you may be wishing to consolidate practice after participating in a course, or tailoring practice so it can become more fully integrated with your life. It encourages and refreshes practice when motivation has waned, this might include investigating different ways of structuring practice and how to work with challenges that arise.

For those who have been practising for some time, mentoring can offer a furthering of creative engagement with practice. This can include exploring the deepening process, the nuances and layers, widening the breadth and depth of practice, developing greater trust in practice and opening to new perspectives through embodied dialogue and inquiry. These explorations may connect with pre or post retreat experience, and making choices about which retreat to participate in and how to prepare.

Mindfulness mentoring can be enormously supportive for practitioners as a way of rekindling curiosity and inspiration, and bringing clarity to the process of developing practice.

Watch a free recording all about mindfulness mentoring via our Community site:

Discover more about mindfulness mentoring and how it can benefit your practice and work via our blog:

Meet the mentors for more details of their backgrounds, experience and specific interests. Scroll down to find our FAQs and apply for mindfulness mentoring.


“Mindfulness mentoring has been a powerful catalyst for change in my life. Through regular mindfulness practice supported and enriched by mentoring, I have learned to explore my deepest values and align my behaviour accordingly to a greater and greater degree in daily life. Life is more fun, more playful, more creative and so much lighter as a direct result of mindfulness mentoring. I have benefited in my professional life, my partnership and my friendships. Few things have had as much of an impact on the quality of my life and my ability to contribute to communities I am part of.”


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