At the Mindfulness Network (MN), we passionately believe that Mindfulness-Based Supervision (MBS) is a key way of enabling mindfulness-based teachers to be the best they can be, and to do their work with integrity. Therefore mindfulness-based supervisors need to be well trained for this responsible role. This blog post introduces you to the different trainings we offer for mindfulness-based supervisors from early foundational training through to ongoing development.
Mindfulness-based supervision has been a core part of what the MN offers since it was founded as a community interest company in 2012. Alison Evans who was based at Exeter University began collaborating with Cindy Cooper and Jody Mardula at Bangor University. They brought their MBS trainings together and developed a foundational 3-day training. Along with other colleagues in the field they published a paper describing the nature of MBS– A Framework for Supervision for Mindfulness-Based Teachers: a Space for Embodied Mutual Inquiry. This framework has continued to evolve informed by our experience of training mindfulness-based supervisors and our conversations with our mindfulness-based supervisors. You can find the latest version of the MBS framework on our website and in the book Essential Resources for Mindfulness Teachers (Chapter 21).
Pamela Duckerin has now joined Alison in delivering this 3-day training to supervisors across the world. We had feedback that three days was not enough to learn this complex role and that mindfulness-based supervisors wanted to have further training and development alongside supervising. With this in mind, the foundational 3-day training became the entry level (Level 1) for mindfulness-based supervisors and we have developed additional aspects of a pathway which we outline below.
The different aspects of the pathway
Mindfulness-based supervision training – Level 1: This training will develop understanding, confidence and skills to enable experienced mindfulness-based teachers to step into the important role of supporting other teachers
Mindfulness-based supervision training – Level 2: This training builds upon the level 1 training and include supervising in group formats
Retreat for mindfulness-based supervisors: “Drinking deeply from the well of mindfulness together”: our retreat designed specifically for mindfulness-based supervisors explores the aspects of the mindfulness-based supervision framework from a mindfulness practice perspective
Supra-vision: (supervision of supervision) with a highly experienced supra-visor is a crucial part of the pathway. Supra-vision can be individual, or group based, we have experienced supra-visors in our supervision team at the Mindfulness Network
Options to develop skills in using the Mindfulness-Based Interventions: Teaching Assessment Criteria (MBI:TAC) though three levels of MBI:TAC training
How to complete the pathway
To learn more, visit the Supervisor Training Pathway section of our website where you can find more detailed descriptions and short videos.
To apply for the Supervisor trainings or retreat, please visit our CALENDAR.
To find a supra-visor please visit our Supervision website to see the availability of our supra-visors. If you are interested in group supra-vision or have any further questions, please contact supervision@mindfulness-network.org
Join the International SiTT Group for Supervisors
MBI:TAC training levels 1-3 are also available to book via our CALENDAR.
The Mindfulness Network is committed to ensuring that our services are as accessible and inclusive as possible. The Cindy Cooper Bursary for Supervision is available to support mindfulness-based teachers accessing Supervision and Supra-vision. Bursary places are also available for Supervision Training or Retreats through our Events Bursary. To find out more, please visit Our Bursaries page.
What do people say about the trainings in our mindfulness-based supervision pathway?
“This training is a well-designed combination of theoretical frameworks and practice for practicing and aspiring supervisors to be most effective. Great teachers who demonstrate the skills we are learning by creating a safe and fruitful environment.”
– Participant on Mindfulness-Based Supervision (Level 1) training
“I loved the Level 2 training. It was a spacious yet containing experience which extended and deepened my understanding of the supervision process. In addition I felt nourished and valued by the way in which the training was facilitated and the emphasis that was placed on the Person as Supervisor.”
– Participant on Mindfulness-Based Supervision (Level 2) training
“A beautifully structured and facilitated retreat that was gentle and spacious. Learnings were deep, meaningful and yet practical for me personally and in my role as supervisor. I feel refreshed and inspired.”
– Participant on the retreat designed for mindfulness-based supervisors

Written by Alison Evans, January 2023
I am currently the Supervision Lead for the Mindfulness Network and a member of the core training team at Bangor University’s Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (CMRP), with a particular focus on Mindfulness-based Supervision (MBS) training. I co-founded the Mindfulness Network in 2012 and co-directed/directed the charity until 2021.