Why I’m Retiring as Executive Director Later This Year…

Ken Lunn – Executive Director

Three years ago, when Alison Evans decided to step back from the Executive Director Role at the Mindfulness Network to focus on leading our Supervision workstream, we were still a relatively new charity finding our feet. Not to mention the challenges of a complete revision of our business model brought about by the pandemic. The Trustee board were naturally nervous about replacing Alison, and chose to look for an interim Executive Director from within the community of staff and associates. Having “retired” twice already, I thought long and hard about applying, but I felt my knowledge of the organisation would be particularly helpful. As my retirement plans had largely been snookered by the pandemic, I decided to apply, knowing I could only offer three years in this role.

It has been an exciting journey, and it has been so fulfilling to see how the MN has developed in these three years. It has been challenging in many ways, but the culture of the organisation is one that rises to challenges. Now, as we move into our seventh year as a charity, organisationally we are more robust and knowledgeable. There are many exciting opportunities on the horizon. So, as we come to the end of my three year contract it feels right to let someone else step forward to lead us on the next stage of this adventure.
I have been so grateful for Alison’s continued advice and support, and I hope to be just as supportive and encouraging of the incoming Executive Director. There are some areas of work in the MN that I would like to focus on in a voluntary capacity… particularly remaining in my role as IT advisor and so this is not so much me leaving the MN, but a change in focus. There are a few things on life’s agenda that need more attention, like six grandchildren (three more than when I took this role), my personal mindfulness teaching, and some overdue holidays, and maybe I will improve on the Grade 3 piano (failed) qualification. As the Executive Director job advertisement rolls out today, there is an article about my mindfulness journey in the Guardian – and as that article said, I don’t see myself stopping any time soon.


Written by Ken Lunn 2024

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